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Yoga therapy applicable to multiple sclerosis. Anna’s rewiew

Отзыв Ани, рассеянный склероз, йогатерапия
My name is Anna. I want to share the story of my disease, that disappointingly is called «incurable».

I learned about my illness at the end of January 2013 in 5 days after my 29th birthday. The first symptoms were double vision, staggering, weakness, visual impairment. When doctors diagnosed me, basing on MRI of the brain, I tried not to panic. The stories of friends about long-term remission made me feel more comfort. The unconfirmed information about new medicine – some kind of immunomodulator, that can help you to control the disease also gave me a hope.  (далее…)

Spinal injury, yoga therapy if paralysis

Working on multiple sclerosis problems, I ensured that it is possible to fully recover damaged spinal cord and restore the functions of paralyzed limbs even in a complicated cases. Nevertheless, both the therapist and the patient have to work hard.

I had lots cases of multiple sclerosis in my practice. Some patients have completely restored lost motor and sensor function. The positive changes in their neural tissue could be observed by the tomographic scanner. Others ones, barely starting to recover, quitted the treatment because of laziness or the habit to be disabled person. The relatives cares you, you get a disability allowance every month and there is no need to work and etс. The third ones suffered to much because of the of the need to follow a very strict diet. The fourth ones were not supported by the family members and etc. (далее…)

Obesity, elephantiasis treatment with Yoga Therapy

Tatiana, 60 years old, height 162 cm, weight about 120 kg, obesity, elephantiasis, 30 years takes the pill for hypertension and cardiac drugs.

In 2008, she took a course of “Detox” in the Altai. She was a great lover to eat. She have not been leaving the apartment for 3 years due to less of the strength. How said that food adds the strength? Loading of her into the car took a lot of effort. We had to add some extra stairs in the house where we lived in the Altai to get her possibility to enter the house. (далее…)

Cancer of a mammary gland, treatment without chemotherapy

Natalia, 42 year old, came to me with the diagnosis — malignant tumor of a mammary gland. The diagnosis was remove after treatment.

Tatyana, 49 years old, came to me after surgery to remove breast cancer and axillary node due to diagnosis a cancer of a mammary gland. The diagnosis was remove.

The purpose of my stories are to inspire you and to show that these diseases can be cured, and the methods of treatment depends on you only. I ask everybody who reads my blog not to consider these stories to be the only possible guide to action. Everybody is individual. (далее…)

Spinal Compression Fracture Treatments with Yoga Therapy

Daniel is 13 years old boy. In October 2010, he fell on his back was hospitalized with a diagnosis of “compression fracture of the spine.” It was identified via X-ray that the three thoracic vertebra has been damaged. In fact, it is a quite common injury, which can get not enough attention and can cause quite serious effects.

Daniel has got a prescription to wear a corset all the time and to stay studying at home. To sit and to do sport was forbidden for him for six months. His parents ordered a corset but Daniel has never put on. (далее…)

Poliomyelitis eradication with Yoga Therapy

Galina, 49 years old. After the illness she has had in the age of 9, her right foot did not grow It is quite less than the left one now.

We met in 1998. Galina worked as a surgical nurse. She came to me with a complaint of the shoulders, she could not sleep at night that was caused by shoulder joints arthritis.

She knew that her foot couldn’t be recovered. She just shared with me how she was tired of walking on the heel bone for 40 years and about the dream to wear heels.

We discussed it and approved the program of rehabilitation of her shoulder joints. She agreed to follow the vegetarian diet without salt, sugar, meat, fish, eggs, flour, milk. She was going to do yoga for 2 hours per day.  (далее…)

Неизлечимый простатит излечивает йога

Простатит — серьёзная угроза мужику. Это для него страшнее драки и войны. Это намного неприятнее брюзжания жены и её измены.
Официальная медицина давно признала его неизлечимым, симптомы глушит, конечно,  но ненадолго.

Откуда этот простатит свалился на современных мужчин, таких элегантных, блистающих неотразимым гламуром, не перегружающих себя тяжёлыми физическими нагрузками? (далее…)